Our Software Roadmap

Stay up to date with current progress and latest software updates.

Note from the Founder

FlipperForce House Flipping Software Founder Head Shot
Dave Robertson
Dave is a real estate investor in Kansas City, MO and the founder of FlipperForce.com.

Dear Valued Customer,

Below you will find information about our software roadmap and near-term vision of our house flipping software.

We want our development process to be as transparent and collaborative as possible to help you understand the vision of our software and make sure our vision aligns with your business goals.

We are dedicated to continuously improving our software and have an endless list of new tools, features & enhancements that we want to build in the near future. We also welcome your feedback and hope to provide a collaborative experience so we can build the best house flipping software solution together.

Although I am a little leery of exposing our vision to the world (and mainly our competitors), I think it's important that we provide this transparency so you feel comfortable knowing you are choosing a software provider that is dedicated to continuously improving their product and helping your business succeed.

Thank you for your time and business! 🙌​

Software Work Log

Updated March 24th, 2025


Draw Tracker
Tag expenses & Photos to Draws to create draw request reports for lenders
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Accounting Integrations
Automatically integrate expenses & income from popular accounting softwares
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CSV Importing Improvements
Improve CSV Expense Importing to include Categories, Companies & Accounts
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Custom Table Views
Ability to create custom fields on a project for miscellaneous info
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Project Team
A dedicated page to view all team members & contractors on a project in one place
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Bank and Credit Card Integrations
Automatically Integrate Transactions from your Bank & CC
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Multiple Analysis Scenarios
Create multiple analysis scenarios and compare your results to alternative exit strategies
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Offer Tracker
Create and track your offers and Counteroffers when negotiating with a seller
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Next Up

Expense transaction View
Transaction vs Itemized Views on Expenses
MLS Comp Data
MLS Listing History and Datapoints for Non-Disclosure States.
Comp Finishing Touches
Comp UI/UX finishing Touches

Our Track Record of Delivering Value

Since we officially launched FlipperForce back in January 2020, we've continuously invested in improving our software to help scale your real estate investing business.

Every New Tool, Feature, and Improvement We've Added in the Last Three Years

Ready to Take Action?

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