Run Comps Like a Pro!

Research Recent Comparable Sales, Forecast The ARV For Your Subject Property And Create Professional Comps Reports For Your Business Partners And Lenders!
Real estate comps software
Real estate comps software
Recommened Comps

Automatically Find Comps

FlipperForce Automatically Identifies A List Of  Recent Comparable Sales That Have Similar Characteristics To The Subject Property To Help You Get Started!
Customizable Comps

Add Your Own Custom Comps

Find out who the current owner of the property is and get in-depth demographics and insider info to help you negotiate the deal!
Add your own custom real estate comps
Pick the best real estate comps in your market
Comps Analysis

Pick the Best Comps

Easily Pick The Best Comps That You Want To Use In Your Comps Analysis And Comparable Sales Report!
Owner Data

Create a Professional CMA Report

Create A Professional Comparative Market Analysis Report That You Can Share With Your Business Partners And Lenders To Justify Your ARV!
Real estate comps report
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Latest Updates to Our Comps Tool

New Comps Stats Widget

Comp Stats now provide key metrics like price ranges and averages for selected comps, directly in the Comps Tool and Flip Analyzer, for faster ARV estimation.

Comps Gets a Major Upgrade: More Data & More Control

Our new and improved Comps Tool gives you more results, more control, and a more accurate way to find the perfect comps for your flips.

New Automatic Comps Search!

Our Comps tool now automatically searches for recent comparable sales in your market, saving you time and effort in predicting your property's value.

New Comps Table Sorting, Distance to Subject & More!

Updates to make it even easier for our users to sort through the data and customize their analysis.

Ready to Take Action?

Sign up for a free trial and join over 1,000 house flippers and real estate investors that have taken their business to the next level!