I'm just getting into the real estate. Flipper Force is not just a great tool, but a true learning experience all the way through a project. The Educational information offered really walks your through the whole process.
Craig Herrmann
Real Estate Newie, Craig Herrmann Designs
53% of users are first time flippers, just like you.
FlipperForce was built to help first time flippers learn how to flip houses and provide the essential tools to help you make better buying decisions, so your first flip is profitable!
Every successful flipper in our industry started as a newbie.
Learn how to flip houses with our completely free, step-by-step curriculum that teaches you the basics of flipping, analyzing deals, & managing rehabs.
Real Estate Education
How to Flip Houses Curriculum
Learn How To Flip Houses With Our Completely Free, Step-By-Step Curriculum That Teaches You The Basics Of Flipping, Analyzing Deals, & Managing Rehabs.
Chapter 1: Is Flipping Houses for You?
The truth is some of you are not cut-out to be house flippers, and a vast majority of you will never make the leap and buy your first flip.
All of the flipping shows give the illusion that flippers are making huge profits without breaking a sweat, but you need to understand that flipping houses takes a lot of work and there are real risks to flipping houses.
In our First Chapter we will discuss the mindset, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit it takes to be successful in this business. We will help you manage your expectations, set realistic goals and build a basic fundamental knowledge of real estate that will give you the confidence to buy your first flip.
Now that we’ve established what it takes to flip houses and established reasonable expectations of the risks and rewards of being a house flipper we will start by discussing the house flipping business basics.
In this Chapter we will discuss how to write a business plan and set business goals for your company, how to setup an LLC, & discuss the different funding options you have for funding your business.
Finding Deals will be one of the biggest challenges in your house flipping business.
In this Chapter, we will discuss how to research your market to narrow down your search to a specific 'farm area' and property type, and discuss the best strategies to find house flipping deals in today's market.
Once you start finding deals, you need to be able to sort out the good deals from the bad, and decide what to offer. In order to know what to offer for a property you need to understand the basic math and formulas used to analyze your offer price and calculate the project's profitability.
Before you purchase a rehab property your next challenge will be to put together a detailed Scope of Work and accurate estimate of the repair costs needed on the property.
Once you find an ideal property to rehab you need to inspect the condition of the property and determine which repairs and improvements need to be made to the property. In this Chapter, we will discuss the warning signs you should look for when inspecting your potential rehab projects.
Congrats, you finally have your first flip under contract! I'm sure you have mixed emotions. You are excited about your new adventure, but are nervous about the renovation process.
In this Chapter, we will discuss the steps you need to take to prepare for your rehab project so you can "hit the ground running" as soon as you take possession of the property.
Case Study: How to Create a Rehab Estimate & Scope of Work in Minutes
Chapter 8: Managing Your Rehab
So hopefully during the closing period you took the time to start preparing your Scope of Work, Soliciting Contractor Bids and now have all of your Contractors lined out to start work on your project.
In this Chapter we will discuss how to plan and manage your rehab project timelines,manage contractors, manage materials and track budgets to help your project stay on-time and on-budget.