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How do I control User Access to specific features?

Controlling Access to Specific Features

In the User Management area you can control what specific tools and features you users have access to. Click on the "Actions" button and click "Edit Feature Access" so you can pick the features you want the user to have access to.

Editing Feature Access

You can toggle on/off the User's access to nearly every tool and feature in the platform to control access to confidential information and tailor the specific features your users need access to in your platform.

Examples of Feature Access

Feature access is helpful for project teams that have defined roles in the business and only need access to certain features and functionality. For example:

  1. Acquisition - If you have an Acquisitions Manager, you could limit their access to only the Deal Analysis tools, so they don't get distracted w/ Project Management & Accounting features that they don't need.
  2. Project Management - If you have a dedicated project manager, you could limit the PM's access to just the Project Management features.
  3. Accounting - If you have a dedicated bookkeeper, you could grant them access to just the acccounting features.

You can also use our new User Management functionality to grant access to individuals outside of your organization.

Contractor Access

You could give your General Contractor access to the Repair Estimator tool so they can create an estimate for you with their pricing directly in the app. Or you could give the contractor access to the Project Scheduler so they can create a project schedule and manage/edit the on-going schedule start and completion dates during the project.

Virtual Assistant

Or you could give your virtual assistant access that manages data entry, tasks or expenses.

Note: User Management & Access Control is only available for Teams & Business Plans

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New User Management & Access Control
With our new User Management & Access Control update you can now add multiple team members to your workspace and control user access so team members can only view and edit certain tools in the software.
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