SOW Report

Learn the Basics of Creating a Scope of Work Document using the Scope of Work Builder Tool.

Case Studies

Deep dives into real world real estate examples.
Case Study: How to Create a Rehab Estimate & Scope of Work in Minutes
Case Study

Case Study: How to Create a Rehab Estimate & Scope of Work in Minutes

Learn how to create a Rehab Estimate and detailed Scope of Work in minutes using our Rehab Repair Estimator.
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How to Create an Estimate & Sow in Minutes Using Templates

How to Create an Estimate & Sow in Minutes Using Templates

Learn how to create a Rehab Estimate and detailed Scope of Work in minutes using our Rehab Repair Estimator.

New Export SOW to Microsoft Word

We just launched some new functionality to our Scope of Work Report that allows you to export your SOW to Microsoft Word so you can make additional customizations as necessary for your rehab projects!

New Scope of Work Notes

With our latest update you can now save scope of work notes with your Estimate Templates which can save you hours of time creating Scopes of Work for your projects!

New Lesson: How to Write a Scope of Work

I just posted a new Lesson on How to Write a Scope of Work for your rehab projects to get bids from your Contractors.
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